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Mindful Eating

The benefits of mindfulness and meditation are seemingly endless. The mental and physical benefits of slowing down, breathing and quieting the mind are advertised across every form of social media, news feed and literature. But how, exactly, does mindfulness apply to food? How can we practice mindful eating? First of all, your stomach and your […]

Food Waste

Most people don’t realize how much food they throw away every day — from uneaten leftovers to spoiled produce. Turns out, about 40% of our food ends up wasted, and about 95 percent of that ends up in landfills or combustion facilities. In 2014, we disposed of more than 38 million tons of food waste. […]

Spring Fava Bean & Mint Pesto Recipe

Will it ever feel like Spring again? This cold weather has me still eating all the winter root vegetables. However, it is technically spring, which means there are some fresh new foods growing and ready to start eating! Some of these vegetables are less common and harder to find in the grocery store, but you […]


Marathon Fuel

It’s finally April in Boston, which means the Boston Marathon is right around the corner! If you’re one of the brave souls toeing the line on Monday, you don’t want nutrition to undo your hard months of training! Be smart in the days leading up to the race, and make sure you follow these simple […]

Building A Healthier Easter Basket

Ahhh Spring! So many flowers, birds, warm weather… wait, is that still snow on the ground? It may still be chilly and white outside, but there are still plenty of opportunities for joy in the early New England spring. One welcome event this March that you or a friend may observe with a big dinner […]


Perfect Weekend Pancakes

This easy, whole grain pancake recipe is perfect after sleeping in on the weekends, or even just making in the morning because you have an extra 20 minutes. You don’t need a reason to make these, especially since all the ingredients are wholesome, and already in your pantry! So what are you waiting for? Pancakes […]

Free Weights Functional Movement Series: Barbell Deadlifts

Need some assistance with FREE WEIGHTS and FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT? Watch these how-to videos if you are just starting out, OR if you are an experienced weightlifter hoping to correct or check your form! Check out VIM’s Free Weights & Functional Movement Series – Each week we’ll post a video demonstrating a new move. Next up, […]

Adaptogens: What they are, and why you should eat them.

It seems like every time you open Facebook or a magazine there is a new health craze. Whether it’s green juice, wheatgrass shots, or the latest superfood, there is always something new to try. This time, it’s adaptogens. What is an adaptogen? Adaptogens are herbs that are non-toxic to the body, have widespread benefits, and […]

Free Weights Functional Movement Series: Barbell Squats

Need some assistance with FREE WEIGHTS and FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT? Watch these how-to videos if you are just starting out, OR if you are an experienced weightlifter hoping to correct or check your form! Check out VIM’s Free Weights & Functional Movement Series – Each week we’ll post a video demonstrating a new move. Next up, […]

GREEN St. Patrick’s Day Recipes

Hosting a Saint Patrick’s day party but don’t know what to make? Forget the green store-bought cookies, with all these options, you can’t go wrong with a homemade feast! These recipes are all vegan and/or gluten free, and of course they’re GREEN. Each recipe comes from a food blog worth checking out, so don’t be […]