When it comes to fitness, a good balance is key. Too much or too little cardio can limit your fitness goals. Learn how to balance well here.

An estimated 45 million Americans go on a diet each year. Many of these Americans don’t get their desired results from diets because they aren’t paired with a fitness regimen. Everyone is striving for a perfect weight loss journey.

Learning to implement balance into your fitness journey can help improve your results. Keep reading to learn more about how integrating a cardio workout into your routine can improve your overall health.

What Is Cardio?

Cardio workouts are not isolated to spin classes and jogging. Cardio is defined as any workout that raises your heart rate and breathing rate for an extended period of time.

By challenging your cardiovascular system you can clear out carbon dioxide and waste from your system. As your heart is exercised it gets stronger and can reduce the resting stress on your heart.

Cardio fitness programs offer a wide variety of workouts from swimming and running to  HIIT workouts and dance classes. Cardio training can be done at a low to moderate intensity as long as it challenges your heart and lungs.

Cardio Exercises

Any exercises that challenge your cardiovascular system fall into this category of “cardio exercises”. Here are some common cardio fitness workouts to integrate into your workout schedule.

HIIT Workouts

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts routinely alternate between intense bursts of activity and intentional rest periods. Their short-term rest paired with high bursts challenges the body. HIIT workouts are known to help people lose weight efficiently. This is part of the growing popularity of the workout.

HIIT workouts typically only take about 30 minutes. Research has been put into developing these workout plans making them efficient as possible. HIIT workout stimulates the production of human growth hormone which can increase your metabolism and cause you to keep burning fat up to 24 hours after your workout.


The benefit of working on an elliptical as opposed to the outside is that it’s much easier on your joints. The fluid motions and repetition can keep fragile joints working like a well-oiled machine.

In order to receive the maximum cardio benefits on an elliptical machine, it’s best to work out for at least 15 minutes. Typically most people will work out for up to an hour to continue burning calories.


Running and jogging are some of the most popular forms of physical activity. Running is appealing because it doesn’t cost a lot and you can fit it in at nearly any time of the day.

Running is able to help you develop strong bones because it is a weight-bearing exercise. Not only does it help you improve your breathing patterns and cardiovascular fitness but it allows you to strengthen your muscles.

If you’re just starting running it’s recommended that you start at a slower pace or lower intensity in order to protect your joints. Running on a treadmill is an alternative to help make sure that you are taking care of your body as it acclimates to high-intensity workouts.


Anyone who is looking to swim as a means of fitness should swim for at least 20-30 minutes at a time. Swimming is a great workout for people of all ages because it helps you maintain your mobility and range of motion. This means that you were actively swimming during this time, not just in the pool.

Swimming is a great cardiovascular exercise and it helps you build a lot of upper body strength and leg muscle. Although swimming is a great workout, it is not a weight-bearing one. Water supports up to 90% of the body’s weight so you can easily glide through the water.


Cycling is a great low-impact workout for your body. By working up to a rigorous cadence on the bike you can elevate your heart rate without putting too much tension on your knees. If you look to cycling as your primary form of cardio, it is recommended to ride for 30-60 minute increments 3-5 days a week.

Stationary bikes are going to help you control your resistance and build a more structured workout. Alternatively, outdoor cycling will help your body by giving you a mix of sprints and hill climbs.

Benefits of Prioritizing Fitness

Running and other cardio-intensive workouts trigger a release of dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin. These neurotransmitters help to reduce anxiety, improve self-esteem and improve overall cognitive functions. Integrating exercise into your routine can help improve your energy levels, mental focus, and overall mood.

Cardio is one of the easiest ways to take control of your health. Over time cardio can strengthen your heart and lower your resting heart rate and blood pressure. Exercise also reduces your risk of developing major health conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes, cancer, and stroke.

Different Tracks for Cardio

Regularly doing cardio workouts can help you increase your fitness and reduce your health risks. Your preferred workout structure can vary based on your workout goals.

Training for Endurance

Endurance is the ability to withstand hardship or sustain a prolonged workout. Over time, doing cardio can help you build up your tolerance.  Endurance keeps your heart, lunch, and circulatory system healthy.

The best exercises to build your endurance are ones you can do for a prolonged time period. Walking, swimming and Pilates can help you build up your endurance.

Balance Fitness With Well-Managed Diets

If you are working out to achieve your desired body, it matters what you eat as well as how you work out. Simply doing cardio workouts will not cause you to lose weight, you need to pair your workouts with mindful eating.

Focusing too heavily on caloric deficit can be unhealthy. When deciding what to eat, it’s beneficial to look at food as fuel, certain foods are going to be higher quality fuel for your body.

Prioritize Your Health: Add Cardio to Your Routine

Workout training plans and diets should not be universally adopted. Everyone has a different body type and will have different results from diets and fitness plans. Weight loss is attainable to achieve your ideal body, however, you may need a more personalized plan.

When it comes to fitness, maintaining a healthy balance is ideal. Too much or too little cardio can stunt your progress and keep you from meeting your fitness goals. Connect with us to learn how to balance your fitness plans to achieve your health goals.

All workouts are the same, right? Wrong! Learn the difference between a cardio workout and strength training here to find that balance.

Did you know that worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975? In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults, aged 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these, over 650 million were considered to be obese. This amounts to a whopping 39% of adults being overweight in the world.

These figures prove how valuable working out is and show how many people should start on a fitness journey. In order to make the most of your workouts, some planning should be done beforehand.

Are you not sure whether a cardio or strength workout is better for you and which one you should be doing? Well, keep reading below to learn the difference between a cardio and strength workout, to find that much-needed balance!

What Is Strength Training?

Strength training or weight training is an anaerobic activity that includes lifting free weights such as bench presses, dumbbells, and kettlebells. Strength training is done to gain size on your muscles or for muscle endurance and is great for your health. So, how much strength training do I need? The answer is it’s totally up to you and all depends on the results that you’re after.

Generally, powerlifters, bodybuilders, and sportsmen do this kind of training to improve muscle mass and create overall strength. It can also be used to improve muscle endurance and lose fat. The advantage of strength training is it creates a metabolic spike that means you burn calories even after training.

What Is Cardio Training?

Cardio training is short for cardiovascular training. So, how much cardio do I need?

It is an aerobic activity, which means it uses oxygen to increase your breathing and heart rate. Activities such as running, cycling, and swimming are all cardio workouts but anything that increases your heart rate and makes you breathe hard can be considered cardio. The answer? Cardio really should be determined by the results you’re after and your own personal capabilities.

Long-distance runners, swimmers, and triathletes will use this type of training to be able to run and swim over long distances and build the muscle endurance required to do so. Cardio training does burn calories but not at a fast rate at which strength training burns them.

Faster heart rates are great for weight loss.

Benefits of Strength Training

With strength training, it’s not simply just about lifting heavy weights day in and out. There are endless possibilities to mix and match your workout and keep your muscles guessing what is next. Often people can hit a plateau with strength training but the ability to mix it up makes it very popular with all types of athletes.

In short, there is no way better way to create muscle mass and definition in your muscles than by strength training. Weight training breaks down the muscle fibers in your muscles and creates a natural response in your body to repair these muscle fibers. By putting the correct food in your diet, for example, protein, will replenish these muscle fibers and build muscle at the same time.

The other major benefit of weight training is that even after your workout is done, you will continue to burn calories and improve your metabolism. Strength training is the fastest way to burn fat and replace that fat with muscle.

Along with the weight loss benefits, weight training aids in preventing injury. Lifting weights increases your bone density which affects the strength of your bones. Stronger muscles increase the fiber content in the muscle and the higher muscle mass helps support your joints, reducing the risk of knee and shoulder injuries.

Benefits of Cardio Training

Cardio like any other workout has its own benefits and plays a vital role in athletes and for people seeking to lose weight. Cardio builds up your muscle endurance and the way air is transported to your muscles. If you don’t do the right amount of cardio, you will find yourself short of breath all the time and you won’t be able to keep performing at a high rate.

Doing cardio does burn a significant amount of calories, although at a slower rate than strength training. Cardio does, however, improve heart and lung function to more efficiently move oxygen through your body.

You don’t burn calories as fast with cardio training, but because you are able to work out longer, the number of calories you burn at the end will be higher than if you are strength training.

Which Is Better For You?

It’s hard to separate the two and both have different pros and cons but the decision will come down to what exactly you are wanting to get out of your workouts? Are you looking to build muscle? Do you enjoy lifting heavyweights?

If the answer is yes then weight training would be the answer but if you are training with the intend to compete in a cycling race, triathlon, or anything that will test your lung capacity, then you will need to improve your cardio.

Frequently nowadays most athletes join the two workouts together to improve in every area. For most people, the best possible workout is to alternate between them on separate days or combine them into the same workout.

The pros are there for everybody to see. If you weight train while still taking time out to improve your cardio, you will not improve muscle mass, but you will be able to lift for longer. The time it takes you to catch your breath from high-intensity workouts will be less and you will be able to push yourself harder.

Become a Better You With Fitness

In the truth, there is no written law that states you have to only weight train or only do cardio-related training in your fitness regime. The most important thing is to get out there, do some exercise and become a better you!

By training and looking after yourself, you will not only feel better as a person but you will live a healthy life and not have health problems now or when you get older!

Are you looking for nutrition help? You should totally check out our options that can help you today.

December Deals
Barre Fusion

Are you planning on setting a fitness-related resolution this year? You’re not alone. In fact, about 95% of New Year’s resolutions are fitness-related.

Only 10% of people think their resolutions will last, though. In fact, about 43% of people give up their New Year’s resolutions by February. 

Instead of giving up on your resolutions in 2022, consider trying something new! For example, you can give Barre Fusion classes a try this year.

What exactly is Barre Fusion? How can it help you accomplish your fitness goals? Keep reading to find out!

After reading this guide, you can determine if this is the fitness class for you. Then, you can set a new resolution to work up a sweat! Read on to learn everything you need to know about Barre group classes today. 

What is Barre?

First, let’s answer the question that likely brought you here: what is Barre Fusion?

These low-impact strength workouts can boost your:

  • Muscle tone
  • Posture
  • Flexibility

When you look good, you’ll feel good, too! Taking these group glasses could boost your overall wellness and self-confidence as a result.

Barre uses a combination of dance, ballet, functional strength, and mind-body-inspired movements. The exercises require concentration and precision to ensure you experience optimal results. During a class, you can modify each movement to suit your strength or skill levels.

You can find group classes for different expertise levels, too.

A typical class is completed at the ballet barre. Exercises can get your heart pumping to boost your cardiovascular strength. At the same time, you’ll sculpt, tone, and lengthen your muscles.

Before signing up for a course, consider your specific fitness goals. Barre is ideal if you want to improve your flexibility, strength, and posture. 

If you already focus on strength training, a class could help you strengthen and lengthen those muscles. 

Barre will also help improve your mobility and core strength. Though it’s a low-impact class, it’s also fast-paced. It’s ideal for all ages and fitness levels.

Though Barre is ballet-inspired, you won’t need to have experience as a ballerina to perform these exercises. Barre is safe, fun, and effective as well.

Some classes involve mat-based warm-ups and core-focused sessions as well. You’ll complete lower body isometric exercises at the bar, too. 

Repeating the same small movements over time will help you build your endurance. You can strengthen muscles without the risk of ligament or tendon strains. 

What Are the Benefits?

Remember, Barre Fusion classes can help sculpt, tone, and lengthen your muscles. It can also get your heart pumping to improve your cardiovascular strength. Other benefits include:

  • Improving your fitness level
  • Improving your posture
  • Burning calories
  • Reducing stress levels
  • Improving your flexibility

Flexibility can decrease as you get older. These classes could help.

In some classes, you’ll use a barre and your body weight for each rep. These exercises will help improve your muscle endurance. 

Other exercises incorporate additional tools, including:

  • Sliders
  • Ankle weights
  • Free weights
  • Resistance bands
  • Exercise balls

Workouts are broken into different sections, allowing you to focus on different major muscle groups. These group classes can strengthen your arms, glutes, legs, and core.

The muscles within these core groups are fatigued through small, targeted movements. A higher number of repetitions with light resistance can strengthen each area.

Despite the lighter weights, you will feel your muscles burning after a session.

Parts of each class are also paired with stretching. These stretches can further improve your overall strength.

If you’re searching for group classes that can improve your flexibility, consider giving Barre Fusion a try. 

Most classes keep the movements slow and steady. However, there are different types of “fusion” sessions available. Each group class can accomplish different goals.

For example, some classes combine traditional barre moves with interval training. You could boost your heart rate to get in a cardio session.

Some classes incorporate weights and resistance tools. These group classes are ideal for improving your overall strength.

You’ll also improve your endurance, balance, range of motion, and posture. In fact, these classes can even support weight management. You can sculpt a stronger, more defined core at the same time, too!

Tips Before Class

Barre classes are beginner-friendly. They’re also easily adaptable for different skill sets and ability levels. However, it’s important to note that classes move quickly.

Some first-timers also find sessions challenging.

With that in mind, consider talking to an instructor before class. They could provide you with helpful tips before your first Barre session.

You’ll likely use muscles you never knew you had, too! Don’t worry; you should get the hang of it after three or four classes. Stick with it.

You’ll likely experience results in eight to 10 sessions.

Don’t feel intimidated when trying Barre for the first time. As with any group class, it requires a high level of physical fitness. Stick with it to watch your performance improve over time.

Consider wearing leggings or capris that you’re comfortable in. Pair it with a workout tank or T-shirt. Wearing close-fitting clothing will help your instructor get a better view of your form.

They’ll help by offering advice, allowing you to make the necessary adjustments.

Consider sticky socks to avoid sliding during group classes, too.

Talk to an instructor about the lingo you might hear during a session as well. For example, they might say, “Tuck your tailbone.” If you hear that phrase, draw your abs inward.

Then, roll your hips under slightly, creating a neutral spine. This position can help engage your core.

You might hear “pulse,” too. This phrase means you should move about an inch up and down. These small, controlled movements will ensure your range of motion is more precise.

You’ll have an easier time contracting targeted muscles as a result.

What is Barre Fusion?: Your Guide to Toning Up

To recap, what is Barre Fusion? It’s a fun, low-impact fitness class you can use to tone your body. With multiple sessions, your flexibility, posture, and muscle strength will improve, too.

Consider giving Barre a chance as you set your fitness goals for the year!

Want to give it a try? You’ve come to the right place.

Explore our class schedule today to get started.

holiday workout

About half of American adults plan to abandon their diets around the holidays. Another 41% use the holidays as an excuse to postpone living a healthy lifestyle. You don’t have to abandon your workout or wellness regimen during the holidays, though!

Instead, use these five holiday workout tips to stick with your fitness goals this season. 

With these tips, you can keep your health and fitness goals intact while enjoying the holiday season. It’s normal to give in to party-going, feasting, and shopping at the end of the year. The festivities don’t have to impact your health, though.

Instead, learn how to stick with your workout schedule using these five simple tips today. 

1. Develop a Schedule

Before the holiday season begins, sit down and start planning your workouts. Try to plan about a week’s worth of workouts. You can plan for more depending on the duration of your trip. 

Planning your workouts ahead of time can help you make a holiday workout game plan. You can have visual proof of your plans, too. Documenting your plans will serve as a visual reminder once your vacation begins.

Writing workouts into your schedule can help you recognize you’ve blocked out time for your workouts. Then, you can set out to actually do them.

Consider adding each workout as a calendar reminder on your phone. Then, set an alarm 15 minutes before each workout. 

As you begin scheduling out your workouts, try to remain flexible. Think about different times or days of the week you can dedicate to working out. If you have specific plans for the holidays, review your itinerary, too.

For example, you might find it difficult to work out if you’re planning on visiting family. Schedule your workouts first thing in the morning. If any random plans pop up, you won’t have to worry.

You’ll have peace of mind knowing you’ve already completed your fitness regimen for the day.

Have a backup plan in mind for your busier days, too. 

2. Exercise First

Taking a week or two off from exercise could erase months of favorable metabolic gains. In fact, gaining just 1% of your body weight could lead to serious complications. 

After all, low levels of fitness and physical activity are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

The best way to avoid skipping your workouts is to complete them first thing in the morning. Remember, you won’t have to worry about unforeseen interruptions impacting your workout regimen. You might have more willpower to complete your workout first thing in the morning, too. 

Dedicate about 20 to 30 minutes of your morning to exercising. An early workout might even help you fight food cravings throughout the day.

Exercising first will also help you earn your calories. You won’t have to feel as guilty about indulging if you’ve already worked out. 

3. Find a Partner

As you begin using these fitness tips, remember: you don’t have to go it alone. Instead, consider recruiting an exercise buddy. Partnering up with someone could help keep you motivated.

Ask friends or family members to attend group classes with you. Working out together could make it more enjoyable. It’s also a productive way to spend time together (especially if you plan on relaxing later).

If you can’t find someone who wants to work out with you, that’s okay. Instead, ask someone to hold you accountable. Have them check in with you once or twice a day.

Having someone hold you accountable could help you avoid skipping a fitness season.

Otherwise, head online or visit the gym to find someone who can hold you accountable. Check social media, too. You’ll find plenty of workout challenges and support networks online you can utilize. 

Don’t forget to check fitness-oriented forums or apps like MyFitnessPal or FitBit, too. 

4. Look for Seasonal Offerings

The average American gains about 10 pounds during December festivities.

Remember, the holiday festivities don’t have to impact your fitness goals this year. Instead, use them to your advantage. 

There are plenty of seasonal promotions available that can help you remain on track during the holiday season. Keep an eye out for specials on class packages, monthly rates, and membership fees. If you plan on working out with a friend, look into coupons for group classes, too.

Whether you’re staying in town or visiting family for the holiday season, research local fitness centers. See if any of them are offering free trial periods you can use during the holidays. You can remain on track with your fitness goals and get the chance to explore a new gym.

Look into each facility’s classes, services, and amenities, too. Exploring new services like a sauna or massage therapist will make it feel like a treat!

5. Plan for Travel

Do you plan on traveling during the holiday season? Make sure you have an easy, convenient workout routine you can utilize. 

You don’t have to match the intensity of your usual workout routine, especially on the day you’re traveling. Instead, pick three to five exercises you can complete without equipment. Choose exercises you can complete in small spaces, too. 

For example, you might consider:

  • Push-ups
  • One-legged balance stands
  • Walking lunges
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Supermans

Try completing one to three circuits. You can get a little cardiovascular workout to maintain your endurance and muscular strength.

Otherwise, try squeezing mini-workouts into your day.

Short bursts of activity throughout the day can help you maintain your weight and fitness levels. Try walking as much as you can, too. Keep moving to remain active, especially if you have a long day of sitting around ahead! 

Get Pumping: 5 Tips to Help You Stick With Your Holiday Workout

Maintaining your health and fitness regimen during the holiday season shouldn’t feel stressful. Instead, enjoy the season with these five holiday workout tips. With these tips, you can remain active and deck the halls!

Searching for a fitness center that can help you accomplish your workout goals? We can help.

Check out our class schedule today to get started.

no excuse november