
DNA sweet tooth

If since your early days, you’ve found yourself drawn to sweets, your DNA may be behind it.

(I personally, didn’t need a DNA test for this one, everyone in my family knows I’m a chocoholic!)

Ignoring these cravings and blaming your lack of self-control is likely not the answer.

So what is?

It could be that you have a FGF21 gene variant. A study published in Cell Metabolism shows that if you have a variant of this gene, you are 20% more likely to enjoy and seek out sugary substances.

You may not be a “super-taster.” Other research has shown that some people (25% of the population) are what are called “super-tasters,” and these people are extremely sensitive to bitter foods. Super-tasters are more sensitive to bitter tastes simply because they have more taste papillae and taste receptors on their tongues that make them more sensitive to bitter tastes. They’re also more sensitive to sweet, salty and umami tastes, but to a lesser extent. They tend to have a reduced preference for sweet and high fat foods. (Super-tasters also tend to consume more salt then non-tasters because salt masks bitter flavors.)

But don’t get down! Remember, it’s always possible to learn to like healthier, less sugary sweets, even if you have a deep-rooted sweet tooth – no matter what kind of taster you are! Super-tasters, non-tasters and everyone in between have one thing in common; their taste buds regenerate in about 10 days. So if you notice sugar cravings start to subside after a few weeks on a whole-foods diet, this could be why!

The great news is that none of us are doomed by our sweet- tooth genetics. By eating a diet rich in plant-based foods and opt for naturally sweet foods instead of those with added sugars, you’ll soon find your sweet cravings subside!

Blog post written by Trainer, Sarah Oliver

VIM is now offering nutrition services with Trainer & Nutrition Coach, Christine Galvin!

Click below to find out how you can benefit from 1 on 1 Nutrition Coaching!

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mindful eating

The benefits of mindfulness and meditation are seemingly endless.

The mental and physical benefits of slowing down, breathing and quieting the mind are advertised across every form of social media, news feed and literature. But how, exactly, does mindfulness apply to food? How can we practice mindful eating?

First of all, your stomach and your mind are connected by what’s called the enteric nervous system. You know that feeling when you look up #foodporn and then your belly starts to grumble? Yup, that’s it. It also works the other way around: when you’re eating nutrient-dense food, you’re happier. When you gorge on some greasy fried food, you get an endorphin high for a bit, and then your mood plummets.

Often times people underestimate the power the mind can have over choices, emotions and physical feelings. But if these examples are not enough, try it yourself. If you pause, close your eyes, and just focus on your breath for a few minutes, you may notice your responses to hunger cues have changed. Because when you start to tune in to your mind and body, the distracting stimuli of the world fade away. Now you recognize whether you’re actually hungry, or if that was just a tasty-looking photo.

mindful eating

Mindfulness and meditation take practice, just like lifting weights.

Your brain is like a muscle that needs to be flexed and challenged often if it is to get stronger or develop a new habit. A short, simple, daily meditation practice can help change your attitude towards food and actually aid in weight loss.

If weight loss is not your goal, meditation can help you better enjoy your food, and become more aware of how your body feels in response to food.

After a few weeks of daily meditation, usually it starts to become easier to quiet your mind. Don’t get frustrated if it seems like a daunting task that never improves – this is natural and will ease with practice. You just have to let go of your goals, return to your breath, and let yourself make mistakes. It’s ok! Let the thoughts come and go.

In our always-working society, people are multitasking while eating. If you can, try to put away distractions for just 20 minutes and really think about your food. Chew it fully, place your fork down in between every bite. Focus on the flavor, the texture, and how it feels to eat each bite of food. When you’re finished, notice how you feel. Do you still feel hungry? Are you full or satisfied? By practicing mindfulness when eating, you can become more in-tune with your hunger cues. You may find you’re not as hungry as you initially thought, or that a certain food is more flavorful than you realised. Mindful eating makes you not only feel more satisfied, but also more grateful for the nourishment you’re getting and more positive after your meal has ended.

I could attempt to list all the holistic health benefits of meditation, but I will leave that for your googling pleasures. But today, challenge yourself to one meal or snack where you remove all distractions, slow down and truly taste your food.

By incorporating mindfulness and meditation into your life, you’ll find you have no need for crash diets or binges; your body knows exactly how to eat.

Blog post written by Trainer, Sarah Oliver

VIM is now offering nutrition services with Trainer & Nutrition Coach, Christine Galvin!

Click below to find out how you can benefit from 1 on 1 Nutrition Coaching!

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marathon fuel

It’s finally April in Boston, which means the Boston Marathon is right around the corner!

If you’re one of the brave souls toeing the line on Monday, you don’t want nutrition to undo your hard months of training! Be smart in the days leading up to the race, and make sure you follow these simple ‘Marathon Fuel’ tips the day-of to ensure smooth running!

  1. Top Off the Tank.
    Midrun fueling will help maintain your energy levels over the course of 26.2 miles, but your pre-run meals are crucial. For the two to three meals before your race, choose high-carb, moderate-protein, and low-fat and fiber options.
  2. Don’t eat anything new.
    You know your body best, so in the days leading up to the marathon stick to foods you’ve eaten before and that you know your stomach can easily digest. For some runners that could mean avoiding high-fiber foods, high-fat foods, or dairy. Eating high-carb foods, such as pasta, rice, and potatoes, will ensure your glycogen stores are stocked for race day, but don’t consume a new food just because it’s high in carbohydrates.
  3. Stay hydrated during the race.
    A good general guideline is to drink 3 to 6 ounces of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes. This averages out to grabbing a cup every other mile. Since the first water stop in a race is often very crowded, skip it and get a drink at the second stop.
  4. Take heat into consideration.
    The ideal marathon racing temperature is in the mid-50s, but if the temperature soars into the 70s or 80s on race day as it has in the past, you must drink more. Increase your fluid intake by sipping sports drinks, not just water. The carbs in sports drinks help restock spent energy stores. Most sports drinks will also replace the electrolytes you lose in sweat, helping you avoid hyponatremia (low blood-sodium level caused by excessive water intake).
  5. Develop a race-day nutrition and hydration plan.
    When you’re tired and miles from the finish, you can’t always make the best decisions about refueling. Develop a plan ahead of time so you know what and when you’ll eat and drink. Be sure that plan includes drinking and consuming calories within 45 minutes to an hour after the start. If you wait too long, you might become dehydrated or run out of steam early in the race.
  6. Know Your Mid-Race Fuel
    Trust me, you will need fuel. But make sure you stick with whatever gel, chew, or energy food you have been using in training runs. Whether you use gels or chews, make sure you chase them with a few sips of water. Try taking gels when you’re approaching a water stop. It may also be helpful to consume a gel slowly, over the course of a few minutes. Another way to fuel-up without GI distress, try splitting packs of six chews into two fueling stops. If you decide to have a sports drink at the water stop, try alternating water and sports drink at each fluid stop to avoid consuming too much sugar.
  7. Start your recovery early.
    Refueling after the marathon is essential to help your body recover quickly. Eat or drink about 200 or 300 calories of carbohydrates and some protein within an hour of finishing the marathon. The carbs refuel your muscles with glycogen, and the protein will help repair your muscles. Eat a full meal as soon as you are able to continue the recovery process. And remember to slowly drink fluids to rehydrate after you cross the finish line.

marathon fuel

Blog post written by Trainer, Sarah Oliver

VIM is now offering nutrition services with Trainer & Nutrition Coach, Christine Galvin!

Click below to find out how you can benefit from 1 on 1 Nutrition Coaching!

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Watch these how-to videos if you are just starting out, OR if you are an experienced weightlifter hoping to correct or check your form!

Check out VIM’s Free Weights & Functional Movement Series – Each week we’ll post a video demonstrating a new move. Next up, BARBELL DEADLIFTS!

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Need some assistance with FREE WEIGHTS and FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT?

Watch these how-to videos if you are just starting out, OR if you are an experienced weightlifter hoping to correct or check your form!

Check out VIM’s Free Weights & Functional Movement Series – Each week we’ll post a video demonstrating a new move. Next up, BARBELL SQUATS!

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Need some assistance with FREE WEIGHTS and FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT?

Watch these how-to videos if you are just starting out, OR if you are an experienced weightlifter hoping to correct or check your form!

Check out VIM’s Free Weights & Functional Movement Series – Each week we’ll post a video demonstrating a new move. Next up, BARBELL MILITARY PRESS!

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Just because we all need a little something to brighten our day during these long winter months…

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lat pull down

Need some assistance with FREE WEIGHTS and FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT?

Watch these how-to videos if you are just starting out, OR if you are an experienced weightlifter hoping to correct or check your form!

Check out VIM’s Free Weights & Functional Movement Series – Each week we’ll post a video demonstrating a new move. Next up, LAT PULL DOWN!

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seated low row

Need some assistance with FREE WEIGHTS and FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT?

Watch these how-to videos if you are just starting out, OR if you are an experienced weightlifter hoping to correct or check your form!

Check out VIM’s Free Weights & Functional Movement Series – Each week we’ll post a video demonstrating a new move. Next up, SEATED LOW ROW!

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